by revo on 04/06/2001.

Cheaper tickets - As reported earlier, the cheaper tickets finally went on sale last week in Greece, with local people able to purchase tickets at the box office for 15,000Dr (or 10,000Dr if you are a student). Below is a scan of the 15,000Dr ticket for the first night.

Many thanks to Elias Hantzakos for providing the scan of the ticket.

For fans outside Greece, from Friday 1st June, international reservations were allowed by phone and fax. However, payment for the tickets has to be made within the next 48 hours, on Tuesday 5th June and Wednesday 6th June, with all major credit cards accepted. The number to call is +30 1 322 1459 and you must call between the hours of 08:30 and 22:00 (Greek time - two hours ahead of UK time).

Due to the short time frame before the show, tickets have to be collected in Athens, from:

Hellenic Festival Box Office
Greek National Tourist Organisation
Ground Floor
Stadiou 4

Tel: +30 1 322 1459

The office is close to Syntagma Square, north east of the Acropolis and is especially opened in the summer exclusively for the Athens Festival.

For fans who have not ordered the cheap tickets to date, then our advice is to call the number above as soon as possible and to book the tickets, although there is no guarantee you will be successful.

Expensive tickets - Fans should have reserved these tickets a few weeks ago and by now should have been prompted to send credit card details by email (bad idea) or fax (better idea). Many fans have sent their payment details and to date no one we know of has had confirmation of receipt of payment details, so there is no need to worry.

These tickets will be delivered to your hotel (which you also need to state on the fax with your credit card details) a few days before the show.

If you have not been prompted yet for payment, then we strongly recommend you contact:

Mrs. Helen Stemitsioti or Ms. Christiana Giannakopoulou
Friends Association of Children with Cancer
M. Asias 46
11527 Goudi

Tel: +30 (0)1 775 7153
Fax: +30 (0)1 775 2989

More details about the tickets for sale can be seen in past news items on-line on Revolution on the Web. If you need more assistance or have more news you would like to share then please email us at - thanks.