by revo on 28/05/2001.

For fans who wish to order tickets to Acropolis, here is the latest information we have:

For fans who wish to order tickets in the price range 100,000 Dr, 80,000 Dr, 60,000 Dr and 50,000 Dr - these tickets may be reserved now and paid for at the end of May. Payment options include credit card and bank transfer.

To reserve these tickets now, then please contact:

Mrs. Helen Stemitsioti or Ms. Christiana Giannakopoulou
Friends Association of Children with Cancer
M. Asias 46
11527 Goudi

Tel: +30 (0)1 775 7153
Fax: +30 (0)1 775 2989

Naturally the 100,000 Dr tickets have the best view (front centre). All tickets in the 50,000 - 100,000 Dr range are all placed in the lower ring of the ampitheatre. Click the image below for the seating plan for the show (please note that the information illustrated in the plan has been pieced together from information received from the past weeks)

For fans who wish to order tickets in the 10,000-20,000 Dr price range - we have now received further information. These tickets will go on sale on Tuesday 29th May and it will be possible for fans to reserve these tickets by credit card who live outside Greece (which is a big relief to many fans).
To reserve these tickets, then please contact one of the following:

Tel: +30 (0)1 928 2918 - Office
Tel: +30 (0)1 928 2919 - Mrs Maria Panagiotopoulou
Tel: +30 (0)1 928 2910 - Mrs Karanagnosti
Fax: +30 (0)1 928 2933 (to Mrs Karanagnosti)

If you have any more information about the concert, or need some help, then please email us at - please note it could be quite a few days before we get back to you, so please patient.

All the Revolution team would like to say publically a big thank you to Stratos Koufos, who has provided us with a lot of information.