by revo on 19/05/2001.

Most fans will have heard some time ago that Jean Michel Jarre has been planning a special concert in Athens, Greece, since the back end of 2000. During this week the concert has finally been confirmed, with two performances to be staged on Tuesday 19th June and Wednesday 20th June 2001.

The show, Acropolis, will be staged at the Odeon of Herodus Atticus in Athens, in close proximity to the Acropolis itself. The venue is an ancient ampitheatre, will can host approximately 5,000 people, and is arguably the most famous and prestigious venue in Greece.

The concert itself is not free, but a ticket only event. Prices for the concert range start at a relatively low 20,000 Greek Drachmas (approx. £35) and then are prices at 50,000 Dr, 60,000 Dr, 80,000 Dr and 100,000 Dr. At first glance the ticket prices may seem to be more than extravagant, the reason for the pricing is that the event is a charity event.

Money from the concert will go towards building a childrens cancer hospital in Athens. The person behind the project is Marianna Vardinoyannis, who has helped to organise a number of concert and events in the past to raise money for the project. She made a proposal to Jean Michel in 2000 to host a concert in Athens for June 2001 and Jarre inspected the site in November 2000.

The show is expected to have a musical split, between 'real' Jean Michel Jarre compositions and his latest project The ViZitors (more information about The ViZitors on here soon). An old face is also expected to perform in Greece, French hard-rock guitarist Patrick Rondat. A new composition as a tribute to ancient Athens is also planned for the show. More information about the show to follow very soon.