by revo on 26/05/2002.

A special website has been created for fans who plan to attend the forthcoming concert in Denmark in September. The idea for the site is quite simply to state your likelihood of attending the show, and in return you will receive updated information concerning the concert, including practical information (e.g. accommodation). In addition there are plans for a fan meeting prior to the concert (one or two days before) and information about it will be passed on nearer the time.

Visit the Who Is Going To Denmark? website now!

PLEASE NOTE: Following on from our last news item concerning the Denmark show, the concert looks in very good shape at present, however we still strongly urge fans not to make any bookings for accommodation or travel arrangements, in which you are not liable for a full refund.

It is expected that the loose ends for the concert will be tied up by the end of June, in which is the closing point for sponsorship. Jean Michel is still encouraging sponsorship at present, despite stating he will financially guarantee the event to the amount in which the sponsorship will fall short.

We will let you know once plans are more solid, but as ever with Jean Michel Jarre, you never know... :-)

Regarding tickets, we kindly ask fans to stop emailing us about prices and availability, since if we knew the information you desire, it would be online on here :-) News of the tickets with pricing information is due for release on Tuesday 18th June, however the date is subject to change. The estimated price for a normal ticket is only 200 Danish Kroner, which is approximately £17 or 27 Euro. More news to follow about tickets in June.