by revo on 21/10/2001.

Three very interesting articles relating to the wind energy concert due to be held in Denmark next year are featured in Nordjyske Stiftstidende; article 1, article 2, article 3.

Here is a brief summary of what the three articles state (for those of you who are not fluent Danish speakers) :-)

  • The main article (article 1) is an interview with Jean Michel conducted by Nordjyske Stiftstidende at Maison du Danemark on Thursday 4th October, the new B&O store in Paris on the Champs-Elysées.

  • Some quotes from Jean Michel Jarre regarding the concert;

    "For me windmills are an elemnet of poetry and avant-garde, both past and present at the same time - a connection that corresponds to the artistic expression of my music."

    "When talking about the wind, people nearly always state what damage it can cause. However, through the music I am composing especially for the show, it will express how we can use the wind in our favour, using it to it's strengths."

    "Both the wind and water are elements that go back to the creation of earth. The element of water has been used a lot by artists for many years, however very little has been done using the wind."

    "When you are a passenger on a plane you can see light and the wind when elevating. Thousands of images are conjured up in your mind, the wind can have both a positive and negative effect. The wind will be the engine and the heart of the concert."

  • Jean Michel is still very determined for the concert to go ahead and is full of enthusiasm for the project. He has outlined his wish to collaborate with, in his words, "Danish Wind People", including windsurfers, navigators, specialists in wind energy and various Danish artists. In addition,there are plans to invite Danish children to draw pictures of windmills, that will be projected during the concert.

  • Regarding the sponsorship for the concert, 20% of funds have so far been promised (5 Million Danish Kroner out of the requested 25 Million Danish Kroner). Both Carlsberg and Tuborg are very keen and interested in sponsoring the show, however full agreement has yet to be reached. The deadline for finding the remaining 20 Million Danish Kroner is mid-November, with a lot of other Danish companies expressing an interest to participate with Jean Michel Jarre.

  • Jean Michel Jarre has also underlined the fact that new music will be specially composed for the concert, with the concept being that of the wind and wind power.

  • According to both Muskelsvindfonden and NEG Micon, the general reaction to the concept of the show from local people, sponsors and local politicians in Northern Jutland are very positive.

  • The proposed venue for the concert consists of 45 windmills, with a fesability study held to make sure the venue is suitable to hold a concert for 50,000 people. Other windmill sites have also been visited as possible alternative locations to hold the show. However it seems the original site, Skovmarken (next to Gammel Vrå Enge), will still be the concert location and looks unlikely it will be changed.

    Many thanks to both Jesper Kristensen and Signe Zacchi for the information and translations - we will buy you some cold Tuborg next year when the team is over in Denmark :-)