by revo on 14/08/2002.

5 by Harj on 24/08/2002 13:30:59 CET

Any news about the transport to and from the concert? Does it go from Aalborg? Where and when exactly?!
Wonder if we'll get loads of Oxygene tracks cos of the wind theme....?

4 by Cousteau on 18/08/2002 20:02:28 CET

also imagine how it would look and sound if the fork lightning hit the stage... a bit of a non-event until they get the power up again... hope they have plenty of surge protectors.. ;-)

3 by Colin_Neal on 18/08/2002 16:11:24 CET

Some of the best concerts have happened in poor weather (rain/mud) so going by this theory it should be fine! Imagine how good it will look if there's forked lightening!

2 by miltex on 15/08/2002 08:48:16 CET

Yeah! Rock on :) Though I'll be jumping around in the mud with 34.999 other fans :)

1 by lsainsbury on 14/08/2002 20:49:39 CET

wow...great news. I'll be jumping around in the mud with with 35,000 other mad fans...can't wait..... :-)