by revo on 13/09/2001.

The composer Jean Michel Jarre has chosen the windmills close to Aalborg (Denmark) as his next concert venue. The world famous French artist will be using only wind energy for the concert.

Red Square in Moscow, Beijing, the Pyramids in Cairo and now; Gl. Vraa Enge near Aalborg. If all goes to plan, a windmill park in northern Jutland will be added to the world map of spectacular outdoor concerts performed by the French composer Jean Michel Jarre.

The windmill concert at Gl. Vraa Enge is the next important project for the French star, and it is planned to be staged on 30th August 2002 in front 50,000 paying spectators and an unknown number of TV-viewers worldwide.

"It's obvious to do the concert here, because Denmark is a pioneer in environemental matters and number one within the wind technology industry" said Jean Michel Jarre, who is visiting Denmark this week to participate in a conference arranged by the Danish Foreign Ministry about Denmark's image towards foreign countries.

"Denmark is a role model for the rest of the world on environmental matters, but towards foreign contries, Denmark has an undefined profile. Most people know Denmark only for H.C Andersen and the Little Mermaid. With the windmill concert, Denmark will get the oppurtunity to profile itself internationnally by modern means. At the same time, Denmark can fully support the concept behind the concert - to support the use of alternative energy forms and the protection of the environment." stated the musician and UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador for children.

Jean Michel Jarre's concert bureau, Cream Creative Management, is now trying to find private and public investors, both in Denmark and abroad, to finance the concert, estimated at 3 million Euros. To date, co-operation has been agreed with the Danish windmill company NEG Micon, whose techology dominates the windmill parks near Aalborg. Currently negotiations are being held with other Danish companies, such as Bang & Olufsen, for whom Jean Michel Jarre is a consultant. Furthermore, Muskelsvindfonden has promised professional assistance for the concert. Apparently both Danish and French TV have shown an interest in the project as well.

Since his breakthrough with the electronic hit 'Oxygene' in 1976, Jean Michel Jarre has composed and sold environemental based music with great succes. The windmill concert is inspired by the same theme:

"The wind will have the lead role, not only as an energy form, but also as a carrier of sounds, images, messages and dreams. The wind carries birds, pollen - but also smoke and pollution, the wind brings us into contact with both the worse and best - the choice is ours", said Jean Michel Jarre.

Original article (c) Berlingske Tidende 2001

Translation (c) Signe Zacchi

Translation not to be used on any other website without prior written permission from the author